I Solemnly Swear to Make Baseball More Fun for Your Kid

I Solemnly Swear to Make Baseball More Fun for Your Kid

So, what's my motivation?

Simply, to make the game of baseball less frustrating and more fun for your kid. I was lucky, having two big brothers to pass down broken-in gloves to me as a kid. I was even luckier to have a dad who'd take me out after dinner on summer nights to have a catch (that's right, you "have a catch" you don't "play catch"). That's how I fell in love with the game.

But something happened to many kids and baseball along the way. Dads started working longer hours, for one thing. And the term "hand-me-down" became something negative.

I can't fix that.

What I can do is this: I can promise that my gloves, soft to the touch, yet stable enough to haul in a batted missile, will help your kid enjoy baseball sooner...with less frustration.

In talking with my designers and craftsmen, I asked them if they could produce a glove that - when new - felt like one of those gloves my brothers passed down to me. Comfortable on your hand, able to close without the assistance of a second hand. We went through a bushel of samples, with different shapes and different types of leather, before we signed off on the first edition of Bradley Baseball Gloves.

So far, being only a couple of days old, all I can do is rely on the testimony of those who've put one on their hand. The initial reactions have been smiles and verbal communication like, "Wow" and "I wish I was a kid again." They just feel so good.

Now, I'm not saying one of my gloves will catch the ball for your kid. But with practice - and it will take a little time to get the glove to break-in completely - I am confident that my gloves will do the job they're being asked to do. 

No need to meddle too much either. Feel free to send your kid out to a wall with a rubber ball - I love using a lacrosse ball - and have him work on catching balls one-handed in the web. That will help build a great pocket. Also, to speed up the break-in process, I suggest telling your kid - or if you want to play a bit, Dad - to put two fingers in the pinkie. What this will do is help build a big pocket or "sweet spot" that will eventually be your kid's best friend. 

When you think about it, catching a baseball is a difficult skill, and it can be frustrating. Your asking a kid to put a piece of equipment on his weaker hand and suddenly become coordinated with a hand he rarely uses for anything! So, have patience, and have fun.

I promise my gloves will help.

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Jeff, We purchased the next play catchers mitt for my 9 year old son. He has played a lot of baseball already and he says this glove is by far the best glove he has owned. He has worked 4 bullpens with it and the shape is unbelievable impressive. Thank you for your passion to help kids fall In love with the game!

Ryan Keith

Jeff, We purchased the next play catchers mitt for my 9 year old son. He has played a lot of baseball already and he says this glove is by far the best glove he has owned. He has worked 4 bullpens with it and the shape is unbelievable impressive. Thank you for your passion to help kids fall In love with the game!

Ryan Keith

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